Sunday, September 28, 2014

How to Keep a Pet Squirrel

Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, consisting of small or medium-size rodents. The family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, flying squirrels, and prairie dogs.
Scientific name: Sciuridae
Lifespan: 15 – 18 y (Alpine marmot, In captivity)
Rank: Family
Height: 18 cm (Alpine marmot, Adult, At Shoulder)
Gestation period: 44 d (Eastern gray squirrel), 33 – 34 d (Alpine marmot)
Mass: 2.8 – 3.3 kg (Alpine marmot, Adult, In Spring),
Tail length: 5 – 6 cm (African pygmy squirrel, Adult),
How to Keep a Pet Squirrel
Keeping a squirrel is a big job. You will usually only find yourself in this situation with a baby squirrel as the adults are a little too high strung.
Four Parts:
Housing Keeping
Build a suitable cage. Having some climbing room and some wood (preferably a stick of hardwood) to gnaw on for the squirrel. This is important for the squirrel's dental health and necessary for teething young. The Author made one out of 2 round pieces of wood, held together with 2X4's on the inside, wrapped in chicken wire. Keep in mind that squirrels need a lot of room and if they are not going to be allowed to roam around the house (which is not a good idea if there is anything you don't want chewed, such as electrical wires), you may want to consider an outdoor cage.
 Make sure to staple the chicken wire tight and secure to avoid gaps or sharp points. Set up a shoebox with a folded blanket or other soft bedding such as cotton as a place to sleep. Make sure there is plenty of bedding and a place for it to snuggle in like a pouch. Another idea is a bedding pouch, such as the type you would use for a ferret.
The squirrel warm
Help the baby squirrel to stay warm. A baby squirrel cannot thermoregulate itself, meaning that it cannot stay warm without assistance. Put a heating pad underneath whatever you are keeping it in, but make sure it does not exceed 100 degrees. Make sure the heating pad is underneath half of the enclosure, so that the baby has a cool half to move to in case the baby gets too hot.
  • A good internal temperature for the squirrel itself is between 98 and 102 degrees, which means it should feel warm to the touch, warmer than your hand. A cold baby can die very easily, so this is very important.
  • A cold baby can not digest food as well as a warm baby. Never feed a cold squirrel.
Feeding the squirrel
Feed your squirrel properly.
  • Food for adults: store bought rodent block such as Harlan Teklad, Mazuri or Henry's Healthy Blocks are great along with fresh vegetables and limited fruits and an occasional nut as a treat.
  • For babies: Fox Valley milk replacement is a must. Feed this to the squirrel using a syringe slowly as babies will often aspirate milk out through their nose while sucking which could lead to pneumonia. Esbilac puppy milk was once the food of choice and mentioned on many websites as good for squirrels, but the formula has recently changed and is no longer recommended.
    • For ages 2-3 weeks: feed 5 times a day, start at 1 1/2 cc of formula and increase to 3 cc.
    • Age 4-5 weeks: feed 4 times a day, start at 3 1/2 cc of formula and increase to 5 cc.
    • Age 6-7 weeks: feed 4 times a day, start at 6 cc of formula and increase to 9 cc.
    • Age 8 weeks: feed 10 to 14 cc twice a day. Begin weaning onto small pieces of solid food.
Give the squirrel water. Healthy squirrels will generally drink from a water bottle, such as the type you would use for rabbits and other rodents. If they do not drink from the bottle, set out a shallow dish for them to drink from, but be aware that they may make a mess.
Keeping the squirrel healthy
Keep the squirrel away from infections. If someone in the house has a cold or a virus, keep them away from the squirrel, just to be safe. Wash your hands before and after feeding, touching or cleaning around the squirrel.
Avoid too much physical contact the squirrel.
Take the squirrel to the vet for regular checkups.

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